02 November, 2009

Something's Missing...

I'm not busy.. I am not confused..
I dont have a 1001 things running in my mind.. not anymore...
I haven't been this free and happy in ages...

Yet I feel like there is something missing somewhere...
Like I had to do something.. But I cant remember what..
I feel like I have swayed from my actual purpose...
the funny part being I have no clue what my actual purpose was..
Nothing stops the constant buzzing in my head..
And the buzzers keep blowing off like an alarm at the end of each day screaming
that I've wasted another day doing something that I don't really believe in..

Ane people around me tell me that i'm gonna be a big shot,
expecting to change the world...
And what angers me most is that even though i want to counter and say i'm not,
I have no arguments to defend my stand!!!


Getting started..! said...

well said! xplains ur actual state !! hehe!!

Vivek said...

well i too had this state of mind once the university exams got over...and had it for quite a long time.. thats the time I used to diverse my interests into different fields..


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