24 November, 2007

An Eventful Semester Ends!!!!

With the S5 exams done now 'll be progressing into a new semester. The 5th semester was very eventful with something or the other always happening around.The semester had a host of core IT subjects which included DBMS, System programming to name a few and also for the first time we had to do and present a project(DBMS based) which was an exciting prospect as its useful to gain practical knowledge and no better way that to do it practically.

The semester started with the class planning to go for a Industrial visit. We went on a 4 day tour and visited madras, ponidcherry and kodai(read my earlier posts titled industrial visit). It was very much fun and we got to know our classmates better.

This semester i was more involved in IEEE work which i had joined when i was in S3. Since IEEE in my college was just an year old we were just starting to do more events. So there was at least one , sometimes 2, IEEE event per month. On one sych occasion we went to a school to take class for the 10 grade students and also tell them about the scope and opportunities in Engg. Also there were various workshops and talks. The final work of IEEE for the year was the WIE(Woman In Engg) affinity group which was a 2 day event and we had participation of students from various colleges across Kerala.

But all this activities came at a cost. My academics started lagging behind and then i had to put in some serious effort in the fag end of the semester to make it up.But exams were pretty good.

The 5th semester was the best i had in the college extra curricular activity wise but the worst academic wise. Hoping atleast next sem i can find a balance between both. The subjects in S6 seem pretty interesting but you never know unless you have experienced it first hand. And also the next semester is a crucial year cos that is the time when companies come around for placements.

Anyways 'm currently into my holidays with no idea what to do with the time in hand cos for the first time in 6 months i'm finding myself without any work. :-).

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