16 July, 2011


If you notice the change in the "Blog Title" then good on you :)

I stated this blog way back in the summer of '07 just out of interest. At that point of time i had no idea what to do with it or how to make it better. As time went on it found it very liberating to pen down what I've been through or sharing random thoughts. The title "Impossible is Nothing" just happened. It got stuck in my head from the Famous Adidas ad at that time and I've never thought of changing it. Well at least until now.

Why the change?
If to name the reason for the change I've got none other than the fact that it feel too cliched and being with it for so long it just begged for a change. Its been 4 years and that was the only thing(well other than the one who posts) that hadn't changed since I started.

why @ Crossroads?
Well just cos we are always there. @Crossroads. The dictionary defines a crossroad as a point where a decision must be made. We are always taking making a decision. Good, Bad. Black, White. Yes, No. Whatever the situation be we always have a choice. Some of the posts here are my choices, decisions, opinions and those, differ from person to person. Its like I'm at a crossroad and I decide to take a left when others might take a right. But that's choice. So @Crossroads :)

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