10 January, 2010

Riding out into the Sunset

Life has never been easy. No one said it would ever be. But it all depends on how the individuals take it and what they make of it. We could either go down the hard way or the soft up, up or down. To quote Oscar Wilde "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." But to be able to look at the stars you need to have that dream, the rich mind-set & the right approach.

Well talking about my life, it has been so kind to me till date, well there have been those prickly thorns on the way, but then we all need some sort of a balance. The time i have spent in my college, ie the 4 and half years in TIST have taught me a lot of thing, more than the rest of my 20 sometime life has taught me. Apart from the routine stuff, I learnt a lot about relationships; with friends, with roommates, with friendly classmates, with not-so-friendly classmates, with seniors, with juniors, with faculties, with greatest buddies, with the administration, with the small time workers in college. All have in some or the other way given me a lot of food for thought and bits of wisdom from their own experiences.

The moments are really memorable and i maybe able to carry a vivid collage of memories with me wherever i go. Some of the positions i have held have taught me a lot about responsibility and man management. And i found ppl with good potential and those who could be leaders in their own respect. Some moments are really worth remembering for the rest of my life & some are such nightmarish that its stupidity will keep haunting me in the days to come. ;) But hey they left me a bit more wiser than i ought to be, so no regrets. :)

But life as it is, is supposed to move pretty fast & so it will. I better refuel my veins with the same adrenaline that I used to have & get back to the usual mode as soon as possible. Life is not going to appreciate me taking my own sweet time to get a bit of the rest while i can and recharge my batteries. But life is tough. So why not face it bravely & get re-energized. It’s time to move on finally and end my 4 and a half year tenure in TIST, as a student, a teacher, a helping hand, an adventurist, a so called motivator, a PJ master and what not. But life moves on and guess my time in my alma matter is finally up and its my time for me to ride out into the sunset :)
Want to end this post with a quote...
Part of being a winner, is knowing when enough is enough. Sometimes you have to give up the fight and walk away, and move on to something that's more productive.” - Donald Trump


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