Right from the start of my college days i have held various positions and done various events for the college. I have held high posts of authority for my department, an independent organization, and many more. people have recognized for the work rate i put in and efficiency of my work. Maybe that why they honored me with the highest accolade that i have got in my college life till now.
****drum roll****
I have been elected College Council Chairperson(college captain). :)
After rididng trough some tough competition i won by a landslide a election which i never thought 'll win. Maybe the students are too fond of me and thought 'll be an apt leader for them. Hope i can live up to the expectation that many people have on me.
Thanks to one and all who has contributed to this. Pray for me :)
i know its too late to comment.. really sooryy... but since we have talked about it on ph.. i think i am excused.. anyways congrats (again)... and i know u'll do just fine as a captain!!!!
welL i must say!....uve been de best evr captain tist hs evr had!...n wud ever hav!....hats off captain jii....! u totally rock!...jai ho:)
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